Published Books

I Was Just About to Call You! And Other Mysteries: Medicine, Fatherhood and Quantum Entanglement

Randall Biedermeier is a young cancer doctor in the late 1970s, heading up the radiation treatment department at a Midwest Veteran’s hospital. The barebones clinic staff struggles to keep up with the patient load and governmental red tape. Randall leans on the security of science to juggle reluctant patients, resistant staff and his own self-doubts.
Just when he thinks he’s got his work life under control, the universe laughs. Bizarre and mysterious events flip him sideways, threatening the stability of his scientific mind.
At home, Randall finds little respite from that altered reality, where he and his family deal with more bizarre occurrences that defy logic or reason. Beyond the usual parenting vexations, they navigate night terrors, prescient visions, visitations and things that go bump in the night. Randall seeks a “scientific” answer, but what he finds, as he follows a trail of breadcrumbs down a circuitous garden path, is that the answer may require a deep dive down Einstein’s “spooky” quantum rabbit hole.

Her Dancing Fingers: The Art of Renaissance Hairbraiding

The complete step-by-step guide to romantic braids! Even if you’ve never braided before, the art of Renaissance Hairbraiding is within your grasp! Learn how to create and decorate beautiful braids, for all hair types—curly, straight, short, long, fine or thick. Here are a few of the braids you’ll want to try: Two-strand Cords, French Braid Down the Middle, Sticky Bun, Lace Classic, 3-Strand Crown with Cascade, 5-Strand Braids, Flower Basket, And many more braids, tips & techniques! Over 100 full-color photographs describe each step in the process. You’ll be amazed at how proficient you’ll be with just a little practice! Lydia Byhardt Bollinger is a Mom and therapist who has always loved braiding as a way to connect with the royalty in every woman! Her passion for mental wellness is woven throughout the book.

Am I Family?: A Story for All Kinds of Families

A warm and charming book for children in adoptive families, especially those who realize they do not physically resemble the other family members. Told from the perspective of the family cat, with excellent advice from the family dog. Written by an LCSW therapist, who is also a mom of adopted children, for use in her practice with children and their families.

Fifty Catericks (Cat Limerics) and Pix: A Poetic Photo Tale. What Your Cat is Trying to Tell You.

Who doesn’t like cute cat pictures and limericks? Even better when the cats dictate well composed cat limericks or “Catericks” in cat-speak. Who hasn’t wondered what tabby is thinking when he stares at a cabinet knob for ten minutes?
At long last, this collection of paired poems and pictures provides critical insight into the inner thoughts and longings of a broad array of cats. These fabulous felines reveal a wide range of personalities and quirks that make them as diverse as snowflakes and almost as flaky. This little book is a fun ride for families of all ages.

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